Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy (CBT)

Current Availability:

Mondays 6.10pm. Thursdays 6.10pm.


Mind and Body Works, 15 Wicklow Street, 3rd Floor, Dublin 2.

Cost: €90 per session (€72 after tax refund)

In a paragraph…

CBT is a time-limited form of psychotherapy that shows you how your thoughts and behaviour influence how you feel and visa-versa. Your thoughts and behaviours can keep you locked in negative patterns and feelings that narrow and restrict your life. In sessions, we examine this in the context of your life to help you unlock and allow new ways of thinking and acting. This naturally opens new dimensions of your life.

The Problem

Our beliefs about ourselves and the world are central to our personal identity. We received them at a very young age and they help us make sense of and contain what can be a challenging internal and external world.

On the other hand, those very beliefs can be one-sided and thus limiting. They can also be out of date. Who we are now has changed over the years but our beliefs can remain the same and keep us locked in a time and pattern that no longer suits us.

In particular, the beliefs about ourselves are the most emotionally important to us and so we can hold onto them more strongly. As a result, our behaviour can stagnate as we try to maintain an old identity and no new possibilities are allowed in our lives.

The Sessions


Our beliefs will be reflected in our thoughts as we explore them in a session. Our thoughts will reflect certain themes and, as we identify them, we begin to trace the core beliefs or underlying assumptions that are outside of our conscious awareness but still drive us. We begin to see how these form our world and how they make us feel.

We then look at how our behaviour maintains this world view and begin to ask the question 'how can I do this differently?’ By acting differently from the inside, we begin to get new feedback from the outside and our world changes.

What CBT is…and is not…


CBT is designed to look at quite specific target areas such as an anxiety-based phobia or mild feelings of depression. We thus set up a time-limited number of sessions, to be agreed mutually.
CBT is not a 'magic bullet' or quick-fix solution to all problems. If the roots of our issues are deep and life-long or the trauma is severe, I would recommend engagement with psychotherapy/counselling as this form of therapy reaches to the roots of problems.

When a line is drawn on water it is easy to disperse. When it is drawn in sand it takes longer. When drawn in rock it takes ever longer.’ Tibetan saying.